Dual Axis Tracking for Wineries
Wineries use power for Irrigation, Processing and storage. They often need to irrigate earlier or later in the day due to heat.
Xirasol's Dual Axis SolarTracking System means Maximum Output for longer in the day and reduces your power bill better than any other Solar Technology.
Dual Axis Solar for Irrigators
Our Xirasol Dual Axis Tracking system is one of the most powerful on the market, producing more energy per KW installed, allowing you to save money and run your pumps longer. Extend your hours and output of solar power when electricity is at its most expensive. In some case go under demand charge thresholds.
Dairy Farmers
Diaries use large amounts of hot water for cleaning. Heat your water for longer with Xirasol's Dual Axis Tracking System - produce more power when you need it - higher output earlier in the day and later in the evening. Reduced power costs by heating water during the day instead of at night on expensive off peak power.
Large Scale Solar
Xirasol is experienced in delivering Large-scale solar (LSS) projects. They are also known as solar farms, which can generate anywhere from hundreds of kilowatts to thousands of megawatts of solar power. As one of the countries with the most sun in the world, Australia is well placed to use Large-scale solar projects as a great energy source.